RIMAC: Strengthening a 126-Year Legacy with Data Security Innovation
Learn how RIMAC strengthed their data security to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of information, with Kriptos solution.
RIMAC is a Peruvian business institution that has endured and prospered for more than 126 years, standing out as an undisputed leader in the insurance industry. With more than 4 thousand employees, its unwavering commitment to excellence and the protection of its clients' well-being has catapulted it to the top of the insurance market, leading for the last 12 years and insuring two thirds of the main investment projects in Peru.
In an era where technology and innovation are essential to business evolution, RIMAC has once again demonstrated its ability to adapt and lead. The need to further strengthen its legacy and ensure data security in the digital age became a strategic priority for the organization.
RIMAC found in Kriptos, an authority in data security and information management, the perfect partner to face the challenges of the digital era. This strategic alliance reflects RIMAC's determination to strengthen its position as an industry leader and guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of its clients' information.
The implementation of Kriptos at RIMAC brought with it a series of benefits and improvements in data security management:
"Kriptos allows you to bring this dashboard to a business area so that they can also promote policies and understand what is happening. It's a tool that generates great value both for the security area in terms of control and for the other business areas in terms of valuable information." - Johanna Cuba, CISO of RIMAC.
Regulatory impact: Adaptación constante a regulaciones, incluida la Ley de Protección de Datos Personales en Perú.
La implementación de Kriptos aseguró que RIMAC se mantenga alineada con las regulaciones y normativas más estrictas, incluida la Ley de Protección de Datos Personales en Perú. Esta adaptación constante fortaleció la confianza de los clientes y cimentó aún más la posición de RIMAC en el corazón de la sociedad.
Strategic impact: Impulso estratégico mediante la experiencia compartida y las mejores prácticas, fortaleciendo su posición y avanzando hacia nuevas alturas.
La colaboración con Kriptos proporcionó a RIMAC más que una solución tecnológica; influyó en su estrategia de crecimiento. Aprovechando la experiencia compartida y las mejores prácticas, RIMAC fortaleció su posición y avanzó hacia nuevas alturas.
The strategic alliance between RIMAC and Kriptos has proven to be a turning point in the organization's trajectory. With strengthened data security, an ingrained security culture and robust regulatory compliance, RIMAC is poised to meet the challenges of the future with confidence and leadership.
In the words of Johanna Cuba, CISO of RIMAC, this collaboration has transcended traditional boundaries, strengthening RIMAC's position as an undisputed leader in the insurance market and ensuring a secure and successful future for the organization and its customers.